Actually today its my Amit Sahrol's bfday..Sept, 26. So I was decided to wish him in which I never ever doing that during his previous bfdays. Kira this is my 1st tym lahh. My amit ane I can say that we're closed..Tapi ia ane a bit pndiam n he can be very pndiam wit certain people. Thats y 1st people will notice about him is..He's a serious guy. Kn mnagur pun cancel trus lau kwn2 lamanya tjmpa ia dkdai..Seriously,kwn2nya yg lain ceta;)
Back to square one..Kalinya aku wish tia ia arh his Facebook dmlm afta 12am. Ku lihat arh his wall..Im the 1st one who wish a happy birthday **his wife of course lerr wish ia face to face, bhapa arh facebook** I felt kambang slajur..hahaha, nada deh. I was feeling 50-50 then..Wish him or no. Wishhh sjtah ee..Ngaleh2 ku nyusun ayat yg sesuai ntk ia.
Aku sent cemane..."Happy 31st birthday..Wishing you all the fun and excitement that only birthdays can bring n slmt hari raya. Best wishes on your birthday and throughout the coming year;)" Ok kh ayatku ah?? Maluku ngantar dmlm..Td pgi ada ya dtg krumh n baik jua aku lngsung na ingat psal yg ku sent a2. Ia pn na jua komen apa2..I guess blik dri my house baruth ia check his FB according to the tym. He replied me.."Thank u my my dear niece, hope u will be MAJU in ur study Amin!". Im so glad actually;)
Now Im thinking cemana kn facing ia 2morrow..Esk lg beraya sma2. Mudhan ia lupa my wish ah..Maluku wa, hehe. Bh gtg dlu..Nnti lg sharing ceta. Buckle off tym braya a2..Jn kn laju2 kn cpat smpai supaya byk belurih rumh d aga. Think of other road users as well. Ok..Babaiii:)